Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Things 8, 10 & 11

Thing 8: Be a non-smoker
Almost 7 weeks and still going strong. I AM SUPERGIRL!!!

Thing 10: Finish 1 more quilt (L&T)

*NEW* Thing 11: Sort, organize, label and back-up pictures on home PC
Yes, I know... "Make 1 more quilt" was supposed to go on my list 2 more times, but quite frankly, I'm sick of making these quilts! Well, that, and I don't know how to even find the other 2 people who are supposed to get those 2 quilts, so I'm not making them until I know I can actually deliver them. So, instead, I will add the much needed, long overdue sorting, organizing, labeling and backing up of every picture I've taken in the past 4 years. Fingers crossed that my hard drive doesn't decide to explode before I get around to this one!


  1. Nice quilt.

    Yeah, I probably will still be drinking coffee for a while. But some month...

  2. You go girl, you are on a roll. Give the quilts a rest, you have completely outdone yourself, do something for YOU. I'm proud of all the things you are achieving.
