Friday, September 7, 2007

Thing 8 - Step 3

Thing 8 - Step 3: Remortgage house to pay for The Pill.

Holy cow, $120.99 for the "starter month" kit. Holy cow! Did I mention, "Holy Cow"!?!?! That's 40 packs of smokes!! (Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I'll recoup it from not buying smokes in the future, but for right now? Ouch!)

That said, though, today, I think, was a good progress day. I went to the doctor, who was more than happy to write the prescription even before I'd finished telling her all the reasons I needed it. I didn't even have to beg (yes, I was prepared to do that). The packaging is very complicated. I have a Master's Degree, but it is not in Physics, Engineering or Rocket Science, so I'm not sure I can figure it all out... but I've swallowed the first pill, along with a little prayer that it was the right pill.

I'm supposed to pick a quit date (Day 7 or Day 8), but can "smoke normally" until then. I'm just supposed to not want to smoke as much after a few days. After that, I'm supposed to keep taking these little pills for 11 more weeks, and can do a second 12 week treatment if it still hasn't worked. Yeah, let's pay $120.99/month for 3 more months, for something that doesn't work.

OK, cynicism aside.... Step 3 was to get/take The Pill, and I've done that. On to Step 4, whatever that is....

1 comment:

Julie Arduini said...

That IS a lot of money but when I look at your list below and the picture of the lungs, you DON'T want to put a price on the diagnosis of lung cancer and the emotional upheaval that goes with it. It stinks this has to be so $$$ but it is an investment.


You are doing great. Keep it up!