Sunday, December 16, 2007

Pictures & Videos: Things 5 & 7

As promised, here are pictures and video links to go with my updates on Thing 5 and Thing 7....

Thing 5: Donate my unused clothes to charity. I actually went through my closet and pulled out 102 items to donate back in October. This picture is from that mission. Four giant shopping bags, a big box and a few odds & ends later, my closet is a lot more organized and (hopefully) there are some people who have made good use of these clothes and accessories. I left the item on the list all this time because I still had to go through my dresser. Done!! Twenty-three more items later, I am finally ready to cross this one off my list. Woo hoo!

Thing 7: Install chair rail & paint daughter's room. Well, I changed this one a bit... decided to scrap the chair rail, but still paint the room pink. It was a very bland color called "Navajo White" (same color as the rest of the house). But, my 4-year-old princess deserves a princess room... so that she will get. So far I've painted the room pink, bought/painted a desk for the room, painted the old furniture white (to match the new desk) and severely reduced the clutter in her room, as can be seen on these videos of the Before and the During. I have it on good authority that Santa will be bringing pink Disney Princess bedding (comforter, sheets, throw pillow) and will be making matching curtains. I've also ordered a bed frame, which I will paint white to match the other furniture in the room. This Thing will stay on the list until Santa delivers the goods and the new bed is in place. (Apologies, by the way, for the poor video quality... it's the best I can do on my digital camera. Oh, and ignore the calls for "Moooooommmmyyyy!" on the During video... I left Hubby alone to give both girls a bath for 2 minutes!)

Thing 8: Be a non-smoker. Can't post an update on "other stuff" without mentioning this one... three months, 3 days, still going strong. I am Supergirl, hear me roar!!!

** NEW THING ** to replace Thing 5 is still TBD.... I think I want to do something a little more fun with this Thing... something more for me, and less "work." Hhhmmm.... I promise to think of something and post an update soon!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thing 8 Update - month 3

First and foremost, let me begin by asking for a drum roll, please.....

Thing 8: Be a non-smoker: Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Supergirl is pleased to announce that it has been 3 months since my last cigarette. Woo hoo!!!! Finally, finally I am not obsessing daily over smoking, though it has been a very long and difficult road. I still dream about smoking, but even in my dreams feel guilty for cheating, and wake up even more resolved not to ever smoke again. I feel like I'm ready to cross this off the list, but my sister (a smoker) is coming to visit me for Christmas, and that always opens the door to temptation. So, I will force myself to leave this on my list until her visit is over, just in case....

I really do have updates on some of the others (Thing 5 and Thing 7), but the pictures are on my other computer and a true update will require visuals. So alas, those updates will have to wait another day. In the meantime, let's all celebrate my Thing 8 Success to Date -- in and of itself, that update is good enough to make up for the fact that it's been a month since my last post, right???