Friday, September 14, 2007

Thing 8 - Day 1

Today is Day 1 of Thing 8, Be a Non-Smoker.

So far, so good... though I'm only a few hours in, so not counting my chickens quite yet. So far, the meds have taken the edge off the headaches and other "stuff" associated with withdrawal, which is a good thing... I'm focusing on the "habit" part in the meantime. As in, this morning when I got in the car, I reached for one. (Good thing I don't actually have any!) And now, I'm hungry, so I'd normally go smoke (appetite suppressant) to tide me over for a few hours until lunch. Instead, I will eat chocolate, and not care that's it's before 10am, because at least it's not a cigarette.

Though I am SO anxious to cross this thing off my list, this is one that I really, truly have to earn... no half-assed cross off for me!! So, I will leave it on my list for 15 more weeks.... that's 11 more weeks on the meds, plus 4 more weeks (off the meds) of still being a Non-Smoker. That brings me to December 27.... can't think of a better Christmas gift to myself, or a better way to ring in the new year!

"Someone is either a smoker or a nonsmoker. There's no in-between. The trick is to find out which one you are, and be that. If you're a nonsmoker, you'll know." (Robin Williams in Dead Again)


Zaak said...

Good Job. I'll be checking in on Dec 27 to congratulate you (and intermittently between now and then to congratulate you too).

P said...

Congratulations on your first day. How exciting. I've been told that having a tupperware or two full of snacky things in the fridge and freezer helps get over the habit as well. Like carrots, frozen grapes etc.