Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Thing 8 - Step 1

Already this sounds like a 12-Step program. That's scary! No idea how many "steps" this Thing will entail (Be a Non Smoker).... I just know that this is the first one, which will (hopefully?) kick-start all the others.

I have smoked on an off (more on than off, admittedly) for over 13 years. Minus the 2 pregnancies, and a 5 month "quit" right before my wedding, I've been a pack-a-day smoker since I was 18 1/2 years old. I'm going to skip the guilt I feel about this, the stupid reasons I started in the first place, blah, blah, blah. What matters is that today I AM a smoker, and I really don't want to be one anymore.

I've tried just about everything... weaning off, cold turkey, the patch. Some things are less painful than others, but the end result is that I've always started again. This is the problem. Don't get me wrong.... quitting is VERY easy to do. I quit after every cigarette. The problem? Starting back up again is even easier, and so long as I'm starting one more time than I've quit... well, you do the math.

Let me say, for the record, that I am NOT a pill person. I don't like them, I don't take them, and the last thing on earth I want to do is actually rely on them. But I'm out of options.... and I'm going to get The Pill. There's a new medication on the market called Chantix, which is supposed to reduce your cravings to smoke. The side effects are mild, unlike other things like Welbutrin (which I've tried... stopped after 2 days because the nausea was unbearable). And much as I hate the idea that I even need this much help, I don't know what else to do. I know several people who have quit this way (plus my sister just started taking it, and says she noticed improvements in only 24 hours!). So.... I'm going to get me some of this stuff.

Problem? I don't have a doctor. Can't even remember the last time I went to a doctor for a checkup that wasn't related to a pregnancy. I really need a PCP, I've just been delaying it. But today, I took Step 1. I found a Primary Care Physician who is accepting new patients (not an easy task, mind you!) and made an appointment to see him on Friday. I wasn't expecting to be able to get in so soon for "just" a new patient checkup, but I suppose the stars are aligning and God is nudging me along....

So, on Friday morning (September 7) at 9:45am Eastern Time, I will go see the doctor and ask for a prescription. Step 1, underway. Now I have the rest of the week to read all the "stop smoking or die" articles my friends keep emailing to me (done with love, which I truly do appreciate, honestly... if you have others, please post a link in a comment to this post) and get myself psyched up for Step 2, which I'll figure out between now and Friday, I suppose!

If you could start sending the prayers and the "good luck" vibes now, I'd appreciate it... I'm gonna need as many of them as I can get!!


Zaak said...

Hi Kat, I'm another Next 5 Thinger. My father used to give be a non smoker seminars with great success. I found the website with all the instructions: HERE. It's a couple decades old I think, so forgive the stylings. it's basically a cleansing that will help rid the nicotine from your body over five days and as such eliminate the addiction.

Hey, I wish you massive success.

Zaak said...

Yeah, the coffee thing could be rough. One thing at a time eh?